The Bowie Bag

In January 2023, I was dreaming about adopting a puppy but was a little conflicted because my dream dog (a King Charles Spaniel) was never on adoption pet sites, and I didn’t want to go to an expensive breeder. One night, I spontaneously checked a pet adoption site, and there he was! A 3-month-old King Charles Spaniel mix in my favorite copper color!! A couple of hours later, I was on my way to pick him up from a sweet family whose baby girl was allergic to him. I couldn’t believe my luck, and it felt like we were destined to be together.

I named him Bowie after my favorite rock star, David Bowie, and suddenly I felt my world centered around being this little floppy-eared creature’s mom.

I quickly learned after bringing Bowie home that he wanted and needed constant attention. He was so tiny and would cry to be held, so I thought of a way to always have him close to me while also keeping my hands free.

I decided a cozy carrier bag would be the perfect solution. Any bags I saw at the pet store or online simply weren’t cute or cozy enough for my little guy, so I decided to make one.

I made a simple bag with a sturdy strap, some safety features, and attached a chew toy so that he would always have something to play with. Bowie lived in that bag during the first few months of us being together. I took him everywhere in it, and he loved having an elevated view of the world around him while being close to mom.

Did I make myself a matching outfit? Obviously.

Of course, when I released photos of the bag, people started reaching out for a pattern, so I decided to make my first-ever accessory pattern!

You already know I had the most adorable testing team!!

These ladies and their fur babies are cuteness overload! Check out their bags and yarn information below.

Nikki used 648 yards of Lily Sugar 'n Cream yarn in pink for her 8 year old Shih Tzu named Jasmine! She added the cutest embellishments to the flap of her bag and I cannot get enough of this pink duo!

Fatima used 424 yards of Divante 100% cotton for her Chihuahua Pepita. How sweet is this little baby in blue?

Erin used 510 yards of Sugar ‘n Cream yarn to make an adorable grey bag for her Shih Tzu, Peanut. Erin customized the bag to be a little bigger for her little guy and you can do the same for your pup if they need a little extra room! This little guy is truly so adorable.

Laura used 720 yards of Yarn Bee Cotton Et Lin in Sulphur for her miniature schnauzer named Jonny Cash. What a great name for this handsome little rock star who looks wonderful in yellow.

Ase used 430 yards of 2 different types of yarn to get her cool multi-toned material: 1 strand of Järbo Elise and 1 of Rauma Petunia. She says this bag is perfect for her and her fur baby Arthur, an 8 years old Russian toy terrier who has stolen my heart!

Are you ready to make the Bowie Bag?!

Click the images for shopable links of everything you will need!


Crochet Spider Web Pattern


Muud Project Bags